What are Agape Fellowships?

spiritual companion groups meeting monthly in homes to

eat, pray and connect.

Roles within Agape Fellowships:

Host- provides or arranges a meeting space and meal

Facilitator- Follows a template to guide a meeting in spiritual conversation

Rally Person- Communicates the meeting details within each group and presents church announcements

Care Coordinator- Coordinates pastoral needs within each group and leads prayer.

Agape Fellowship Registration

Agape Group Video

What Are Agape Fellowships? 

Watch this video to learn about what Agape Fellowships are and How to Join One.

Spirit of Generosity Video

What does it mean to have a Spirit of Generosity? Watch this video from Rev Caroline and Fr Billy to see! 

What are you hungry for?

Listen to this dialogue about what people are hungry for! 

Podcast: Holy Spirit

Check out this episode about the Holy Spirit

Loneliness and Being Alone

Hear Fr Billy and Caroline talk about loneliness, being alone and where God is in the midst of it. 

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